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 Venus Venus, Venus

 Supermoon Fever

The Spring Equinox

Happy 2012






Happy 2012

So 2012 has finally arrived. During this unique year of which we have heard so much, what are you going to choose? Are you going to look forward with eager anticipation to all the possibilities that may occur or be in fear thinking that the world may end? Ask yourself what REALITY you are going to create for yourself? You may be questioning whether or not we are in for some changes . . . Yes, of course, we are - as we are each and every day and year of our lives. Are some of them going to be major? Again probably yes, because the world is in a state of flux - but then again, go back and review all the changes that occurred last year and even the year before. We are LIVING IN UNPRECEDENTED times and WE are the change occurring. As we collectively choose to awaken and claim our truths for ourselves, the world around us will continue to adjust as well.

There are a myriad of possibilities awaiting us this year - very real earth changes, resource issues, cosmic alignments, and possible prophecies. I say 'possible' because they are only accurate IF they have been interpreted correctly or are still in alignment with other events or are even really occurring in the year that we are calling 2012 since we may have very well already surpassed 2012, as many of us feel, due to the acceleration of time and/or errors in our tracking of time's passage.

So, choose to QUESTION more and ACCEPT less what you see and hear. Remember, the Media and Entertainment industries are just that . . . they don't make $ on ordinary, everyday events or on simplicity but rather thrive on instilling fear and drama . . . EXPLORE, explore, explore all the information that is out there and then Sift and Resift carefully to FEEL what is truth for YOU. Since we are multidimensional beings with an array of realities and possibilities surrounding us, why would you think this year might bring about only 1 outcome for everyone?

Think OUTSIDE the lines and close down the mind chatter that thrives on fear and disruption . . . much of what has been said has been exaggerated or widely interpreted to be something different than what probably will be . . . and remember, that an end of anything is only the beginning of something else and time is a continuous wave and arc, not the few months on a calendar that we attempt to measure by our limited, linear understanding.

Be at Peace and know that all will be well. LISTEN TO YOUR HEART and feel how it lovingly embraces the energies of Peace and the Knowingness deep within that understands that despite whatever occurs, all will still be well. Therefore, give yourself permission to enter into the adventure of a New Year with an open mind and heart and get ready for an exciting journey. May Peace, Balance, and Good Health be your companions along the way. Namaste.
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The Spring Equinox
(March 2012)

Many of the ancient cultures considered the Spring Equinox to be a magical and potent time of the year. Why? Because they believed it was the ‘real’ start of the coming year – a time signaling new growth and change. In fact the time between the festivals and celebrations in December and spring was, in essence, our true ‘resting’ time. This was when we needed to go within to release all that ‘had been’ in preparation for all that ‘was to come’. This hibernation period allowed us to withdraw our energies back from the outside world and focus them inward instead so that we could better hear the answers that could only spring forth from the deepest of silences.

If you have been feeling out of balance, not quite in sync, or extremely tired, realize that much is happening energetically around you. Therefore, gift yourself with the stillness of listening to your own inner knowingness and truth. Spend time consolidating your energies and then practice focusing them on renewing, restoring and revitalizing yourself for the coming cycle. The energies of the Equinox will support you 100 percent in doing so. Get ready for the fullness and richness of the coming season. Be at Peace and know all will be well. Namaste.

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Supermoon Fever
(May 2012)

This is a very exciting month with the energies of what is called a ‘SuperMoon’. Since we often have supermoons, however, what then makes this one different?

Well, as you may already know, the moon moves continuously in the sky as it follows an elliptical orbit revolving around the earth, traveling at about 2,288 miles per hour. As it does so, it creates its own dance in the sky, sometimes coming closer to us while at other times traveling farther away. On May 5, 2012, it will be coming extremely close to the earth. This point is called Perigee when it’s approximately 221,456 - 221,802 miles away from us. However, since Perigee will also be occuring within a couple minutes of the moon being full, our closest space neighbor will appear to be 14-15% bigger and approximately 30% brighter than usual (according to NASA).
You may wonder what effect this may have on us. Well, considering that we know that the interplay and tug-of-war of the gravitational pulls of the sun, earth, and moon affect the earth’s tides and that our human composition is comprised primarily of water (approximately 75% although estimates vary anywhere from 55 - 85%), you can count on that we, too, are being affected on some level by the moon when it comes this close.
So what can we expect?

Since this is a Scorpio full moon, there will probably be a lot of intense emotional issues coming to the surface which affords us a wonderful opportunity for deep healing to occur. The energies during this time will actually be supporting you to finally release those old emotions that many of us are still burying, repressing, or trying to ignore. Many of our interactions with others may be affected so watch for relationships around you to alter, drastically change, or even to end. Observe where you’re holding unto old, unresolved feelings for Scorpio also speaks to transformation and the death of the old.

The full moon is also a triple ‘5’ day as well (5-5-2012) which denotes powerful change. So since we’re moving into higher vibrational frequencies all the time, everything that is out of harmony and not in alignment with our highest and best is going to be moved away from us – either easily or with great difficulty. If we fight these changes and hold unto the ‘status quo’, we will probably be experiencing even more dissonance in our everyday lives, especially in our emotional and physical bodies (water represents emotions).
So think of it as a time of letting go of what is worn out so you can welcome in the new. You have the cosmic energies supporting and encouraging you all the way to embrace what is more in harmony with your with your vaster Soulself. Remember, divine guidance is always around you to help . . . and accepts, supports, and loves you unconditionally.  Be at Peace and know all will be well.  Namaste.
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(June 2012)

We're in for a surprising treat this month since Transits of Venus are among the rarest of predictable astronomical phenomena and we have one occurring June 5 or 6 (depending upon your location), right on the heels of the Sagittarius full moon partial eclipse. Transits occur in pairs, eight years apart and every 100+ years. The first of this pair occurred in 2004 so this is the last one we'll see this century.  And, unless you're 138 years or older, you've never seen a pair of transits before and after those occurring this month, you probably won't see a pair again during your lifetime - unless we discover a way to prolong life in the future which could be plausible at the rate our technology is developing.

As said, they come quite infrequently - the last pair of transits took place in December 1874 and December 1882, before that in 1761 and 1769, and the next one won't occur again until December 2117 and December 2125. So, we are observing HISTORY IN THE MAKING. A transit takes place when the Planet Venus passes directly between the Sun and Earth and becomes visible against the Sun as a small black disk. Most transit durations take several hours and are similar to solar eclipses. (Although the diameter of Venus is almost 3 1/2 times larger than the Moon, it appears smaller and travels more slowly across the sun because it is much farther away from the Earth.)

Aside from its rarity, the original scientific interest in observing a transit of Venus was its importance in determining the distance from the Earth to the Sun, and from this, the size of our Solar System. More than 240 years ago, the Royal Society of London sent out its research teams to record the transits using telescopes, the best technology of the age. Now, NASA Langley is sending a team to the 14,000 foot summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, site of the world's largest astronomical observatory. Another NASA team is headed for Fairbanks, Alaska, while yet other teams will observe in California, India, Norway, and England.

Besides the scientific interest and sheer excitement of observing history in the making, Venus has always seemed to personify the Goddess energy of Love. Ancient cultures including the Neo-Assyrians, Indian, Greek, Egyptians, Babylonians, Mayan, and even the Chinese knew of Venus and recorded her journey through the heavens. The Maya called her, 'Noh Ek', the Great Star.

While no agreement exists on what this transit represents spiritually, I agree with the idea that Venus is associated with the highest form of what we've come to learn or experience in terms of the energies of Creativity and Unconditional Love and I believe this is an incredibly positive transit for us as a planet.
Or, to paraphrase the wonderful British astrologer, Jonathan Cainer, " Venus the planet of Love and Creativity transiting across the Sun portends a strong promise of fresh hope for romantics everywhere and, for all who worry about the world's economic woes, I believe it heralds the beginning of the end of a difficult phase, one you don't have to see it in order to benefit from its influence." For more incredible insights regarding this transit, see the fantastic astrologer, Priya Kale. And for additional amazing insights regarding the winds of change and opportunities for healing due to this transit, see astrologer, D.K. Brainard's site as well. Websites for all of these astrologers can be found on my Links page.

And for those interested in viewing this incredible phenomena, Cainer has provided the following viewing times:
Tuesday Halifax NS: 7.03 - 7.21pm; Toronto and New York: 6.03 - 6.21pm; Winnipeg and Chicago: 5.04 - 8.26pm; Calgary and Denver: 4.05 - 7.26 pm; Los Angeles and Victoria BC: 3.06 - 6.25pm; Anchorage: 2.02 - 8.48pm; Honolulu: 12.10 - 6.44pm. Wednesday Auckland: 10.15am - 4.43pm; Sydney 8.16am - 2.44pm; Perth: 9.32am - 12.46pm; Tokyo: 7.10am - 1.47pm; Beijing: 6.10am - 12.49pm; Mumbai: 7.02 - 10.22 am; Moscow: 5.30 - 8.54am; London 5.37 - 5.55 am. The transit will NOT be visible in: Brazil, Argentina, Portugal, most of western and southern Spain, West Africa and the Atlantic coast of Africa.

The continental United States and southern Canada will get a partial showing on Tuesday evening but the sun will set before Venus finishes her journey. The same show will also be visible in Mexico, Central America and the northern edge of South America, according to astronomer, Jay Anderson. Meanwhile, most of Europe, eastern Africa, and the rest of Asia will see the tail end of Venus' transit after the sun rises on Wednesday. In terms of climate and location, eastern Australia or Hawaii are prime spots to watch this transit. In the continental U.S., the Southwest is your best option. The transit begins just after 3 p.m. Pacific time and ends just before 10.

As a reminder, just like eclipses, DO NOT LOOK directly at the transit since it can literally damage and harm your eyes. There will be various videos on the internet no doubt if you cannot observe it personally.

And last but not least, we also have the summer Solstice in the Northern hemisphere occurring on June 20th, the longest day of the year, and one of the two times of the year when the sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator. A cosmically busy month for sure so enjoy.

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