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Gratitude, Facebook, & 11-11-11 

Truth, Lunar Transits, & Take Back Halloween!

Rough Patch, Illusion of Control, & 9/11

Energy Healing/Medicine

Eclipse Energies

The Flow Of The Universe

The Times They Are a-Changin’

Is Love All There Is?

A New Beginning













The Flow of the Universe
(April 2011)

Many of the lightworkers or those on a spiritual path that I know seem to be what I refer to as ‘natural’ caretakers and givers since they are very comfortable doing so.  In fact, most feel that this is the right way to be for if each and every person simply gave to one another, the world would be a far better place, wouldn’t it? Well yes actually that’s true, but we might still be woefully out of balance, both as individuals and as a world. Why?  Because we have forgotten that the flow must be a 2-way street, much like the infinity symbol that continually loops unto eternity.
Too often many of us grew up with the belief, whether consciously or subconsciously, that we were ‘supposed’ to take care of the world and put everyone else’s needs before our own. After all, wasn’t being unselfish and putting ourselves last the right thing to do? Wasn’t serving the world and its needs what we had come here to do?
Well it seems we forgot one very important component in the equation.  We overlooked that this amazing, beautiful ‘flow’ only works if we are open to ‘receiving’ as well.  So if instead, we continually give, give, give, as we were often taught (and still are often told is what we ‘should’ do), the question then becomes, if we give, give, give and never stop to receive, what will be left when we finally become worn out or worn down or have run out of energy?

It seems that we often never stopped to realize that without receiving, our wells would and did eventually run dry. It wasn’t that there still wasn’t ‘joy’ to be found in the giving at times, it’s just that our bodies and spirits had become weary or disheartened or disillusioned believing that we had done everything we thought we were ‘supposed’ to do and yet still, somehow, things were unbalanced and Spirit didn’t appear to keep its end of the bargain . . . we forgot that the other end of the bargain was ours to keep, as well, for the Universe is always abundantly flowing and providing.  It was ‘we’ who forgot to be in a state of ‘receiving’, thereby keeping the well continuously filled up.
In fact for far too long, many of us have also carried the programming from countless past lives of the old paradigms of servitude and sacrifice, oftentimes bordering on martyrdom. It is NOW time to let go of those old energetic patterns once and for all. You cannot respect the spark of divinity that resides within you if you are wearing yourself out, inadvertently playing martyr, or thinking/feeling that the world comes first and will not survive if you don’t somehow sacrifice yourself.
Rather than trying to live up to some selfless image or ideal that we were taught when young we were supposed to, it is finally time to realize that the only way to keep the flow balanced, is by recognizing and valuing that there must always be some sort of energy exchange. And that ultimately, each of us can do that by learning to honor, claim, and voice our own needs and wants. And therefore, it is when we are in this state of ‘receiving’, that we have truly learned to glorify the spark of the Creator that lives within each and every person.
In fact it is only when we are continually open to ‘receiving’, that we are also able to continuously be 'giving' from a healthy, balanced state.  And it is only then that we can really practice ‘mindless giving’ from both our hearts and minds - and from a place of Joy.  In fact, when we give out of duty, obligation, to be accepted or liked, or out of some nameless fear that we must live up to some nebulous expectation, we are oftentimes creating resentment, anger, or frustration without even realizing it.  These energies are usually created whenever we feel we ‘must’ or ‘should’ or ‘had to’ do something rather than doing so out of Love because we simply saw a need and knew that we could easily fulfill it.  And it is important to remember that each person has unique gifts or talents to share and that money is only one form of energy with regard to the ‘exchange’ that is required to maintain a balanced flow.

And, when we open to being in the flow of 'mindlessly receiving' without limitation, restriction, or judgment, we can truly affirm to the Universe that we are, indeed, worthy and deserving to simply accept and do so without guilt which is key. For it is in such a state, that we can then finally release the old paradigms that have kept us imprisoned for so long, for millennia in fact, and choose instead to freely embrace the loving, creative, joyful co-creators we came here to be.  Namaste.

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(December 2011)

Greetings all.  My holiday message this year is brief and simple. I believe that we are all blessed with ‘Grace’ at this special time of year. It’s as if something magical is in the air, making it a time when everything is cast in a softer hue and the ordinary seems better or brighter than at other times of the year.
It’s what makes people stop to be nice to a complete stranger; it’s the reawakening to the idea that there is innate goodness in each and every person; or perhaps it’s a reminder of the innocence you had when you were young.
It’s coming across something or someone that makes you ‘believe’ once again that anything is possible, despite all odds.  It's the awakening to the idea that possibly, just possibly, that when you hear bells jingle late at night and see a star shining and lighting up a meadow with freshly fallen snow, you wonder if perhaps you just saw a rotund figure in a sleigh soaring across the night skies filled with stars . . .
So, whatever else you may receive for the holidays, my wish is that you are able to step into and welcome this incredibly blissful gift. May you allow it to envelope you so completely that your mind, heart, and spirit feel at Peace and you open to the remembrance that Joy is your natural birthright.

When you are in this state of Grace, imagine that the Source of All That Is is flowing through you out to each and every person you meet. This is truly when we are surrounded by boundless miracles and we are able to awaken to the knowingness deep inside that reminds us that we are all connected on this journey called life.

May your heart expand to recognize and appreciate all the wonderful people and incredible blessings you have in your life and whenever possible, may you share these with others less fortunate. May Grace be your dearest companion during this sacred and radiant season. Blessings, Light, Peace, and Namaste to all.

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Energy Healing/Medicine
(Fall 2011)

Energy healing is here to stay . . . I can’t even conceive of medicine being practiced in the future without a deep and thorough understanding of the intricacies of how energy flows throughout the body. When East and West finally merge fully one day and we are able to truly comprehend the depth of the body, mind, and spirit connection, we will know without a shadow of a doubt that we are all energetic beings connected to a vaster array of energies surrounding and running through us - the 'Force' for all you Star Wars fans.

While there are numerous modalities that offer amazing and incredible benefits, I believe Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine is the core foundation of them all. Words can’t even do justice in describing a person who truly lives and exudes joy. She is undoubtedly a ‘presence healer’ and I am convinced that if we could clone her over and over, we could effect healing throughout our globe. Meet this amazing woman, her husband, and family at www.InnerSource.com and find out about the wonderful work they are doing to raise the vibration of our planet.

And no library on healing or energy would ever be complete without Donna’s book, Energy Medicine. I believe one day this book will serve as the ‘bible’ for teaching everyone how to connect and heal themselves along with our beloved planet. Wherever you are, if you have the opportunity to see Donna and her husband, David Feinstein, or take a workshop from them, gift yourself by doing so. It will be one of the best presents you can ever give yourself.
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Gratitude, Facebook & 11-11-11

(November 2011)

Gratitude is contagious - try emitting this wondrous energy and watch yourself be encased in its lovely, high vibration almost immediately. Throughout the day, keep finding even more things around you to be grateful for and repeat them like a mantra and your energy will stay at an incredibly high frequency. Wrap this energy around yourself as you would a beloved blanket or shawl, keeping you safe and warm from the world - it will never steer you wrong and you will only attract more of the same! What are you waiting for?
Last year at this time, I invited everyone to not only count their blessings, but to thank someone (personally if possible) who had made a profound difference in their lives. Perhaps this person had shared some incredible wisdom or understanding or was a 'wayshower' for others on the journey to discovering what we're doing here on planet earth. I would once again invite you during this season of sharing and gratitude to thank someone close to you for all that they have meant to you or done for you - or for just being part of your journey here. Remember, we all have countless blessings if we would only become 'aware' of all that is wondrous around us.

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In our highly technologized world with all our gadgets and smart phones and devices that keep us connected 24/7, when is the last time you sat down and had a person to person chat or talk with someone you are close to or a good friend you haven't seen in awhile? With all the fantastic ways people now can communicate with each other such as facebook, twitter and skype, have we lost something in the process? When is the last time you literally sat face to face with another human being and felt the warmth of his/her eyes and smile and perhaps the embrace of a hug or a handclasp? Perhaps we need less typing and more one-on-one physical contact with one another - something a computer will never be able to duplicate. Think about it. The old conversations at the dinner table or in a family room brought us together as human beings - how often in our busy, frenetic worlds do we take the time to truly listen or to hold a hand or 'just be there' for someone else? Maybe during this season of giving, that's the best present we could ever give to each other and ourselves.
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Whatever you believe the significance of these numbers is, if you have the opportunity, take a few minutes to just 'be' in blessed silence at 11:00/11:11AM or 11:00/11:11PM . . . and recalibrate your heart back to that of the earth's. Take a moment to simply breathe and perhaps remember that we are all connected in this great web of life - every living thing on the planet. If so guided, try energetically connecting to others in your time zone who are also tuning in to 'reboot' so to speak and open to the energies of new 'possibilities' . . . it is an exciting time to be alive. Be at Peace and Oneness with All That Is, whatever you conceive that to be. Namaste.
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Truth, Lunar Transits, & Take Back Halloween!

(October 2011)

I mentioned to someone this past weekend that 'truth is a vibrational frequency'. They pondered this awhile and replied that they had never thought of truth that way. Yet, since we all have different minds, bodies, hearts, spirits, DNA, and fingerprints, as well as, understandings and perspectives, why would we ever conceive that 'truth' must be the same for all of us? And just in your own life, do you necessarily believe today what you believed last year or 5 years ago or even 10 years ago? What has changed? Was something 'less' true back then than it is today or is it You who have changed and adjusted your 'frequency' of truth and understanding since you are a forever changing, growing being? Just something to ponder . . .

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Lunar Transits
I taught a class recently on energy, healing, and lunar transits. Since we know the moon affects the tides on our planet which is roughly 70% water, as our we, (actual percentages vary ranging from 57% to 70%+ depending upon source) but nevertheless, all agree it's the major component in our earthly physical bodies. So then, isn't it logical then to think that the 'energy' of the moon might also affect us as individuals as well? How about the energy of the planets and the stars? Seems the 'ancients' knew far more about how we are all 'energetically' connected than we certainly do in our present society, perhaps because we have lost the 'old' knowledge and replaced it with what we believe to be high tech, scientific knowing if you will. In so doing, we seem to have dismissed that which we don't fully understand or can't completely explain in terms of defined parameters. Yet, how much more might there be for us to discover if we would only keep our minds and thoughts open to unlimited possibilities and as of yet, 'unexplained' mysteries . . .
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Take Back Halloween!
What do I mean by Take Back Halloween? I mean just 'allow' yourself the simple pleasure of enjoying this time of the year with its special month-end celebration! When I was young, this was the month that truly signaled that 'fall' was here. It was a time of the trees changing to their gloriously-colored coats of reds, oranges, and yellows and a time of jumping through raked leave piles and the smell of burning piles as you walked through the neighborhood.
The crisp chill in the air signaled that soon the season would get ready to slumber and rejuvenate itself during its long rest, but not before having a little fun. During the month, going to a pumpkin patch and picking out thee 'perfect' pumpkin was pure delight . . . and then imagining the face that would be carved and brightly lit, grinning to all passer-buyers who ventured out in the darkness. When Halloween finally arrived, you got to dress up, meet your neighbors, and get fantastic treats. Nobody ran 'fear' energy about what people might do to your candy or claimed the holiday was anti-religious or a celebration of the dark side.

People in the last few decades have claimed its origins probably stem from Celtic and Roman celebrations but for many, it didn't matter where it came from, it was simply a time to enjoy and have a little spooky 'fun' thrown in with parties, bobbing for apples, going on hayrides, and walking through haunted houses/forests. How many don't enjoy the Haunted House experience at the Disney theme parks? So, regardless of its origins, allow the child within to enjoy the sheer fun of forgetting your worries for a day and dress up to be anyone you want to be. Give your creative imagination permission to roam - and allow your spirit to be invigorated and energized. Enjoy!
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Rough Patch, Illusion of Control, & 9/11

(September 2011)

Rough Patch
During this past month, almost a day hasn’t gone by that someone hasn’t told me about a death in his/her family, a major health issue, the end of a job or relationship and so forth. So, if you’re going through some sort of personal ‘challenge’ right now, just know that you are not alone. Not that it makes it any easier to go through, but perhaps knowing that you are not the only one being hit by a cosmic 2’ x 4’ may bring you a small measure of comfort. Many are still feeling exhausted or as a friend said recently, it feels like the earth’s gravitational pull is sucking in my former joie de vivre (joy of life)! Yet others still seem to be reeling from the fallout of last month’s Mercury Retrograde. And although this retrograde wasn’t as powerful as some of our past ones, it nevertheless was still ‘intense’ coming on the heels of the triple eclipse whammy we experienced over the summer months. So when all is said and done, a reminder to simply be gentle with yourselves and each other and find quiet or peace wherever you can.
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Waiting and the Illusion of Control
Many people I talk to seem to be experiencing the unsettling feeling that they are ‘waiting’ for something to happen but don’t know what that is, almost as if everything is 'on hold' and they have entered the great ‘void’. From personal experience, whenever my impatience gets the better of me and I try and force something to happen (ignoring my inner guidance to just ‘wait’), I find that the Universe seems to chuckle at my unsuccessful attempts to do so. I then hear a gentle reminder to ‘just let go’ and above all else, to simply ‘allow’ events to unfold as they will. I also get reminded to be ‘comfortable’ with not doing anything or thinking that I MUST do something, no matter how challenging that is. It seems that whenever we get upset by our inability to make something happen, the heavy, dense emotions of frustration, despair, or anger seem to take over. However, once we calm down and rebalance ourselves, we realize that having control is, simply an illusion and our ‘need’ to orchestrate everything falls away. It reminds us that what we do have control over is ‘how’ we respond to any given situation, person, or event. And it also serves to remind us that in any given moment, the most amazing, wonderful opportunity may simply be right around the corner waiting and ready to embrace us . . . as soon as Divine Timing occurs.
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9/11 and the Power of Intent
There is already intense media coverage surrounding the anniversary of 9/11 in the U.S. There are also several emails circulating about the immense power of group energy and what we can do when joining our energies together and “setting intent’ to heal our beloved world. After thousands of years of our species being ‘at war’, why don’t we try ‘peace’ as a solution instead? Therefore, please consider joining this wonderful group energy to set ‘intent’ to envision this earth of ours as whole, healed, and at peace. We are not uninvited guests here and therefore, have a responsibility to ensure not only the planet’s survival, but ours as well. Remember, despite our differences, we are all energetically connected.
While different groups may ask you to sign-up with them, I believe the ‘power’ of your intent is enough. I often find that those who forward emails or have mass group mailings do not protect your email addresses. They often forward group letters they have received instead of copying and pasting them and then putting their recipient addresses in a ‘bcc’ which would protect them from being copied or hacked instead of the ‘to’ box. Hackers count on people just forwarding them on while others thrive on the ability to acquire ‘mass’ emails for their own purposes. Follow whatever your guidance dictates, but remember your ‘energy of intent’ is enough – we can change the world – we’re the only ones that can do so. Namaste.

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International Peace Day
International Peace Day is Wednesday, September 21, 2011. If guided, please join your 'intent' and energies to help bring peace to our beloved planet.

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Eclipse Energies

(June 2011)

As this month begins, we’re facing the beginning of a very powerful series of 3 eclipses within a 30-day period, each one occurring 14 days apart. Since these eclipses will truly be stirring up the cosmic energy pot and the world around us for the next few weeks, the most appropriate suggestion would probably be the one Betty Davis declared in an old movie of hers (with the exception of one word): “Fasten your seat belts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.” Or for the younger generations more accustomed to flying and theme park rides, “Make sure your seatbelts are securely fastened.”

So that being said, how many of you have been feeling frustrated, out-of-sorts, not like your usual selves, off balance but not being quite sure why, perhaps angry at times for no apparent reason and at other times, wanting to completely withdraw from the world . . . well then, welcome to the eclipse energies. As I've said before, we've been under a constant, 24-7 barrage of sensory information and energy coming at us from all directions, and most of it this year has been extremely heavy, sad, negative, and just plain depressing. In fact, it's often been unbelievably hard to just 'maintain' of late, must less remain upbeat and optimistic.

And although we've gone through various eclipses and shakeups similar to this one, especially during the last few years, the current belief is that the energies we're getting ready to deal with and navigate through are carrying a potency that we have never ever felt before. Because of this, they are creating even more of a challenge for us in trying to maintain our sense of balance and center. For those who tend to be very 'open' and 'sensitive' to energies, it may feel like a continual furnace blast of emotionally intense waves, as if our antennas were receiving frequencies that have been amped up far higher than usual.

A lot of channeled information lately has also made reference to the belief that much of what these eclipse energies will bring to the surface have to do with our relationships - especially those that were built on 'codependency' since it's time for them to finally end. Their purpose is over since we've outgrown the need for whatever was built on dysfunctionality. And, any 'illusions' that we've held unto about ourselves and the world around us are going to be dissolving as well, since it's time for them to finally be transfigured into truths - however painful the process may be.

Since eclipses are known to shake us up and out of our comfort zones, it remains paramount for each and every one of us to endeavor to find that still, safe place within that provides refuge from the emotional storms raging around us. At the same time, we need to remember that we ARE going to come through these energetic waves and eventually arrive at our destinations in tact, although perhaps a little weary and battle worn. And although we may have some hard choices to make along the way, the journey will be a worthwhile one.

So despite how potentially intense the energies may feel, the release and healing that will eventually result will move us light years ahead on our journeys. When we can finally look at whatever we’ve been holding unto so tightly in terms of emotions, relationships, and/or situations – and then ultimately make the decision to let go - we will feel an incredible sense of relief and freedom as we ‘allow’ the weight of the world to fall off our shoulders . . . We can trust and release KNOWING that all is in perfect and divine order. What we feared the most no longer has us in its control since it has now been released - drifting away forever into the ethers of time . . . never to return again. So during this process, try and be as gentle with yourself and one another as possible - we're all in this together.

For those wishing for more information on dealing and navigating your way through eclipse energies, many of my favorite astrologers offer some great advice such as grounding yourself daily in nature, meditating, changing your surroundings and so forth. You can find their information on my Links page. Namaste.
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Is Love All There Is?
(Feb 2011)

When I received the inspiration for this title, I couldn’t but smile when seeing the subtle change of the phrase - the “All That Is” - that we often use to describe the cosmic energy of the Universe or God changed to, “All There Is” with the word “Love” preceding it.  And if we simply isolate these two little words, ‘Love All’, does it mean that we should simply love everyone and everything that exists or interpret it to mean that Love and the energy of “All That Is” or “All There Is” is really just one and the same? And is there really any difference between either statement?  If we are able to love everyone and everything, then isn’t that the same as loving the “All That Is”, the very essence of Love itself.  

Many artists and poets have expressed their thoughts and feelings about this question by stating that Love Is Really All There Is - Sheryl Crow, Emily Dickinson, Bob Dylan, and Rumi among others.  In answering the above question, it actually becomes quite simple for if we took Love away from our lives, what else would there be, what else would be left?  Most of us value and place the welfare and care of our spouses, partners, children, families, and friends above all else so without them, what would we have?  What else really matters in life besides our deepest connections and the emotions/feelings of our hearts when with those we care about.  The greatest job or all the material wealth in the world will not provide you with warmth, or hold your hand through a rough time, or provide you with a safe and loving place to be when the world has fallen down around you.

With regard to romantic love, remember what it was like when you first fell in love? If so, you’ll remember that when you did, it was only about you and the one you loved – no one else even existed -it was as if you were deaf, dumb, and blind to the rest of the world for nothing else mattered.  It was simply the 2 of you floating on that glorious euphoric feeling of being in love. And because of that feeling of pure ecstasy, of dancing on air, the entire world around you seemed to take on a rosier glow and probably appeared brighter or happier with problems not even mattering that much since love has the power to color everything it touches.

So since Love is the energy of “All That Is”, when we are searching for inner knowingness, enlightenment, or ascension, isn’t it really just about tapping into the energies of Love since that’s what the “All That Is” represents?  If our “I AM” presences represent the highest and best of the divine spark that resides within each of us, then isn’t our “I Am” presence simply our greatest and highest expression of Love – the Love that begins both within in and is expressed outside of us in relation to one another?  In our search for enlightenment, what greater quest do we embark on than that which connects us to the purest form of Love found within?

So this month when we celebrate the idea of Love in various countries, may you tap into the highest expression of Love that resides within you  - and receive its message that you are divine, perfect, and whole just as you are . . . the Divine doesn’t make mistakes.  Light and Blessings for your journeys.


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A New Beginning

  (Jan 2011)
Happy New Year!
{Whatever year it may really be.} 

So here we are once again with the advent of a new year ready to declare to the Universe that we are ready to start anew.  What an incredible gift this is that we can wipe the slate clean and embrace a fresh new beginning; although in truth many of us still can’t quite wrap around the idea that an entire year has already come and gone since it seemed but a moment ago that we were celebrating its coming.
So my question then becomes why do we celebrate a new year but not the fact that each and every day we are given the same opportunity to start ‘anew’?  Emmett Fox once said, "A man dies daily, only to be reborn in the morning bigger, better, and wiser." So then, why is it only when we have an entire 365-day package coming at us with a new date to put on our checks and correspondence that the idea hits home that we can once again turn the page and begin a new chapter in our lives? 
Why is it only at that mystical moment when the clock strikes midnight at the end of the year that we think we can make resolutions to 'resolve' whatever we wish could be different in our lives?  Why do we not realize that we always have this extraordinary gift and ability to embrace the new and release ourselves from the past not only at that moment but in each and every moment of our existence while here - 24/7, 365 days a year, always and forever, every magical second, for WE ARE NEVER PRISONERS OF OUR PAST UNLESS WE CHOOSE TO BE.  How awesome is that simple premise? 
A quote by an unknown source says, "A single moment of understanding can flood a whole life with meaning." Therefore, my wish for you, as we celebrate this new year of 2011 or 2012 or 2013, or new decade (whatever resonates as your truth), would be that you not only discover, but embrace, the awareness that you are free to choose in any moment of your existence to wipe the slate clean and release yourself of any perceived limitations or restrictions imposed by yourself or anybody else.  And, may this understanding flood your entire being with inspired meaning from this moment onward . . . 
Wishing you many mystical, magical, memorable moments in the coming year rich with Love, Happiness, and bright, abundant Blessings.  All my best.
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The Times They Are a-Changin’
(Mar 2011)

Some of you may remember this Bob Dylan song from the 60’s since it so clearly addressed the social and political upheaval we, in the United States, were going through at the time. I thought it appropriate to be the title for this month’s message since it seemed that every time I sat down to write the last couple of weeks, I just couldn’t formulate or ‘feel’ what I was to write about. If an idea popped up, it changed as soon as I sat down to write about it. And when I did put pen and words to paper, they, too, changed and seemed to take on entirely different meanings until I finally realized I was simply to write about the changes themselves since they are occurring almost daily on this planet we call home.   

So I invite you to look around at both what's going on in the overall world, as well as, the 'immediate' world surrounding you since I would venture that in reality both will begin shifting, if they haven't already done so.  Why?  Because we are all energetically connected and what affects one, affects the other.  And since our communications seem to indeed be traveling at the speed of light nowadays, we feel those global energy shifts almost instantaneously by means of our numerous channels and forms of media even when on the other side of the world. 

The changes occurring in the last several weeks have been almost unprecedented in terms of sheer numbers and the speed at which they are occurring with regard to events in the Middle East, the flooding in Australia, the Earthquake in New Zealand, and of course, the Earthquake, tsunami, and now nuclear threats raging in Japan.  Those I know in global prayer groups who send light and healing to the planet have to continually  expand their focus to just keep up with all the energy shifts occurring.
So what do all these changes have to do with you personally?  Plenty, for we, too, are being 'challenged' to look at all the ways our old paradigms, old ways of thinking/programming, and especially our ways of operating in the outside world, have contributed to what's occurring around us.  We, too, have been stuck in old patterns, outdated ways of being that we were 'taught' once upon a time but that are no longer acceptable, much less healthy or beneficial for us . . . so ask yourself what you do out of 'rote' conditioning as opposed to feeling from your heart?  When, where, and what do we do to feed our spirits as opposed to just feeding our bodies and taking care of our material needs? 
In what parts of our own little world are we stuck and could use some help to break free?  What shadow parts are we finally ready to illuminate and transform when all is said and done?  What are we sick and tired of carrying around both within and outside of ourselves but have been afraid to have revealed?  If you haven't heard it before, try this Anais Nin quote on for size and see if it fits: "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."  And better yet, another of her quotes:  "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage."  So what are you waiting for?  There will never be a better time or place than in this moment of power, the 'divine eternal now', to expand your life, your heart, your very Soul for true courage always comes from within.
So with all that's occurring, do I see it as a time of uncertainty riddled with fear? Absolutely not – for how can we attempt to raise our consciousness and shift the planet if we first don’t ‘change’ what has held us, and our planet, locked up so tightly for hundreds of years?  The old regimes built on hierarchical greed and power are changing, shifting, and being eliminated.  Men, women, and the earth, herself, are purging what has been heavy, discordant, and out of balance.  And you can rest assured that with the influx of light continuing to accelerate on the planet, more and more of these changes will continue to occur for the light is permeating the very heart of the density itself, going to the very depths of our foundations and bringing up the ‘drudge’ to the surface so that the slates can be wiped clean once and for all.
And just to keep things interesting with the 9-ring circus we already have spinning around us, we also have Uranus, the 3rd largest planet in our solar system, moving in the heavens after an 84-year stay in Pisces, which is sending energetic reverberations throughout the cosmos.  If you think a person or group emits energy, imagine the amount of energy an entire planet transmits – and if you didn’t know or hadn't heard, Uranus by the way represents change – surprise, surprise!
So despite all this whirling activity occurring around and probably within you, do your best to stay grounded and focused. Whenever possible, go out and soak in the energies of Mother Nature in whatever form is possible, and remember to ask your DGT (Divine Guidance Team) as I refer to it, (sometimes even better than your BFF), to help whenever possible – they are always around waiting to provide assistance.  Release your fear and KNOW that all will be well, despite the ‘looks-as-if’. Be at Peace with change for it truly is the only 'constant' in the universe.  Namaste.
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