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Are We Getting Ready for 2010, 2011, or 2012?

Thank you!

The 10/10/10

Major Life Review


Energies & the Cosmic Cross

The Oil Spill - A Wakeup Call

Emotional Rollercoastering

Energy Fluctuations

Faith Versus Fear

Loving Ourselves & Our Planet


















Are We Getting Ready for 2011, 2012, or 2013?
(Dec 2010)
Welcome to December – you have survived the year so pat yourself on the back. As I wrote in previous messages this past year, it was indeed a wild ride for many with hardships, sorrow, and disillusionment due to ‘forced’ changes on many fronts. And now we’re in a month that is continuing this year’s cosmic theme of change, change, change. It’s as if we are still saying ‘farewell to the old’ this month in a year that necessitated us having to face and clear out the old cosmic patternings, excess baggage, and anything else that was limiting or restricting us.  Just as I wrote last summer about dealing with the intense energies of the cosmic Grand Cross alignment that had been building for the past 2 years, so, too, are we now catching the tail end of those energies. And just like the 6 weeks prior to your birthday is a special time for profound healing and release, we now as a world are going through our own healing and release during this final month leading up to the new year.

Many of you may have been feeling a strange sense of being ‘neither here nor there’, not fully present yet not asleep.  I have heard more joking about senior moments, brain hiccups, and being spacey in the last few months than I've heard for years.  It’s also as if we have been teetering back and forth on a cosmic seesaw ride bringing us to the brink of joyful expectancy, only to lower us back down to a sweet, sad feeling of wanting to detach from everyone and everything around us.  This seeming teeter-tottering is due, among other things, to time shifting for I believe we have far exceeded the actual calendar year of 2010 and are more likely nearing the completion of the year 2012 instead.  Why?  Because time started accelerating many years ago resulting in us being ‘off’ in our linear calculations for quite some time now.

The ‘collective consciousness’ is holding us meanwhile in place 'energetically' in the perceived year of 2010, although our dimensional selves are trying to accommodate us shifting years ahead to 2012 or 2013.  All of this is causing us to seesaw or alternate between different time periods, or even worlds - with all that implies - while at the same time trying to keep us functioning in whatever reality some part of us is currently perceiving.  Sound confusing?  It is.
In addition, almost everyone I've talked to the past few months has talked about being tired - not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well.  Once again though, this wasn’t a constant but went in phases as in ups and downs, with a few minutes of feeling exhilarated and tapping into one’s passion, only to suddenly lose it and then wanting to withdraw from the world instead to just simply ‘be’.  Others wanted to sleep for extended periods of time and even after doing so, still felt extremely exhausted and just wanted to sleep even more.  Other times it seemed as if even the simplest of chores required a great deal of effort on our parts and we had to let go of our ‘listlessness’ or ‘malaise’ (bordering on melancholy), before we could even get through the day. I've included this so that if you’ve been experiencing any of this for some time now, you can rest assured that something isn’t wrong with you.  It’s just been part of the current cosmic climate we’ve all been trying to adjust to, although the intensity and frequencies of the experiences will vary from person to person depending upon one's individual levels of sensitivity and awareness.
We also have a total lunar eclipse (full moon) occurring a few hours prior to the solstice on December 21st, heralding quite a cosmic energy punch near the year’s end. Eclipses usually always serve to shake up our world as we know it and take us out of our comfort zones so ‘allow’ yourself to let go of what no longer serves you by surrendering to this cleansing - easily, gracefully, and lovingly - in order to ‘birth’ and get ready for the coming year.
It may also help to be aware that we are in the midst of a Mercury Retrograde throughout the month, with the slow-down preceding it having begun as the month opened. What does this mean? Take it easy with yourself and one another.  Do remember to double check ALL your travel plans, back up your computers, give yourself extra time, and above all, communicate, communicate, communicate with each other to ensure that everyone is hearing the same thing.  Also, remember that Mercury Retrogrades do have the potential to be very positive when one considers that they give you the opportunity to re-think, re-vise, re-do, re-visit, and re-release the outmoded fears and emotional imprints still lingering and restricting us from being free to experience our true selves.
Despite the aforementioned, I still wish to add that as we honor the various holidays we celebrate this month, this is a profoundly magical time of year filled with kindness and joy.  It’s as if in the middle of the insanity and commercialism, people allow themselves to open up to the ‘generosity of the heart’ – perhaps by being a little more compassionate or having a little more understanding of one another.  It’s as if the walls of armor around the heart begin to break open and lessen a little bit to open again to the childlike belief in the goodness that truly does exist . . . whether inside or outside, it matters not.  It’s enough that we have hope and believe again that life can once again be filled with wonder and miracles, however briefly.  A holiday story line I read many, many years ago said simply, ‘Come as a child'.  So, give yourself the gift of opening your heart to the miracle of Love this season and allowing yourself to feel the potential of joy that exists all around you.   
Wishing all of you the warmth, light, and blessings of the holidays and may kindness shine upon you and those you love.  Please remember those around the world less fortunate and extend your light, prayers, or hopes for peace to all. 

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Thank You!
(Nov 2010) 
Since this is the month that we formally celebrate Thanksgiving in the US, I decided to write about what I’m truly grateful for but also take it a step further . . . why not actually say a  ‘thank you’ to the people, groups, or experiences that have truly mattered in my life.
Last night I read an article from a wonderful astrologer, Priya Kale, who I’ve followed for years.  Although she may be young in years, I have no doubt that she truly is an old soul.  Since she now resides in New York, she spoke about missing her own country during the current ongoing celebration of Diwali or The Festival of Lights.  She said that the most significant spiritual meaning of this celebration refers to one’s ‘awareness of the inner light” for it is that inner light, beyond the physical body and mind, which is pure, infinite, and eternal, known as Atman

She said that when growing up in India, she was taught tolerance and respect for all religions.  So it struck me that isn’t following what you believe is truth for yourself, while honoring and respecting everyone else’s right to do the same, what true ‘freedom’ is really all about?  She confirmed my own belief that when one is on a spiritual path, it doesn’t matter if you say, God, Creator, Great Spirit, g_d, Goddess, Nature, or All That Is, since you are honoring the ‘essence’ of the greater Source Energy from which all life flows.

So today I want to say ‘thank you’ to Priya and others who inspire and remind me of what’s truly important on my journey here.  And I especially want to thank that phenomenal ‘essence’ of which we all are apart, from which all life flows, that connects each and every one of us through our hearts, for the gift of life we’ve all been given here on earth.  And although our journeys have often been filled with heartaches, despair, or great sadness, the ‘essence’ of that incredible Creator energy of which we all are apart, continues to pulsate through our veins, urging us to endure and continue on, despite all odds, knowing that ‘hope’ is always shining through the darkest of nights.  So thank you God, Creator, Great Spirit, g_d, Goddess, Nature, or All That Is for the miracle of life and for the freedom to discover what is truth for myself as I navigate this path.

I also once read that if you have “An Attitude of Gratitude’, it is impossible to be depressed.  So with all the hardships going on around us, let us do our best to change that vibration and not only shift our own energies by being grateful, but also shift another’s by saying a simple, heartfelt ‘thank you’ to him or her if they matter to you. You may never realize how such a small act can significantly impact another’s life.  The simple act of letting someone know that he or she is, or was, important to you may cause an unbelievable shift in that person’s outlook, attitude or energy – and hopefully, have an amazing ripple effect as well.  Kindness is an elixir one can never have enough of . . . or as Mark Twain once said, ‘Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.’

During this month when many pause to reflect on the abundance in their lives, I invite you to comment on what you are most truly grateful for or who has inspired you, and then if at all possible, to thank that person, family, group, or country for making a difference in your life.  And if it’s a ‘late’ thank-you to loved ones who have already passed on, trust that somehow through the ethers and veils that separate us, they, too, will know and hear you - for love and what’s spoken in truth from the heart transcends all worlds and dimensions.  If we all operated from a heart simply filled with gratitude for each other, just imagine what an incredible world we could create and inhabit.  Until then and as always, blessings and light for your journeys.   

Wishing all of you a blessed Thanksgiving - wherever you may be - since we all have so much for which to be grateful.  Our lists can be truly endless when we include our family, friends, Spirit, nature, our freedoms, talents, experiences, and most of all, the gift of life we all share here with one another.  All my best, Namaste. 

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The 10-10-10
 (Oct 2010) 

Last month I spoke about how the cosmic energies have been pushing us for months to look at what was working and what wasn't in our lives, as we seemed to be in the middle of a 'life review process'.  Those energies seem to finally be calmer now and it's time to open up to the energies of change and possibilities - hence the activation of the 10-10-10.  It's now time to choose to feel with our hearts and make our decisions based on that energy - which has been a long time coming in our earth's history. 

For whatever reasons, we allowed ourselves and our world to be controlled by the mind/ego self with its emphasis on logic and pragmatism, which is fine if in a balanced state, but not when it was practiced to the exclusion of feeling and listening with the heart energies as well.  It's now time to bring ourselves back into balance and realize that it's time to unite both mind and heart, which in turn will help our world overall. 

Allowing ourselves to see each other as divine beings and Souls enables us to feel 'united' with one another as opposed to being in the fear energies that only serve to divide us. Almost everyone, without exception, has some form of the wounded child or inner self which can still be activated or triggered when one's buttons are pushed  - until a concerted effort is made to finally heal and release those heavy, dense energies once and for all.  Since those painful emotions occurred in your past, isn't it time to quit dragging them into your present and ruining your future as well?  The failure to work on releasing those heavy energies only serves to keep your wounded 'pain body' as Eckhart Tolle calls it, always in the forefront, ready to fight and confront. 

Therefore, it would benefit you to become aware of those who take delight in activating your pain buttons and heavy emotions for in doing so, they guarantee that you will be unable to be in a peaceful, balanced state where you can develop close, caring relationships, thereby ensuring the polarization of us as a people, nation, and world.  If we are never able to experience peace and unity, our eventual demise is guaranteed without a doubt.  Isn't it about time we concentrated on our similarities instead of our differences?

Ask yourself how you feel when operating from love and compassionate understanding both for yourself and others as opposed to being in self-righteous judgment and fear that usually results in acting with harshness and criticism?   Doesn't that just perpetuate everyone being even more wounded?  When are we going to stop and get off the merry-go-round?  The only way we're going to do so is to start with ourselves.  So give yourself the gift of opening your heart and allowing the 10-10-10 energies to take root.  Then make a conscious decision to operate, to the best of your ability, with understanding and forgiveness, which simply translates to 'release' for yourself and all others involved.  Essentially, it equates to the gift of freedom for you and others to stop and get off the cyclical wheel of hurt, pain, judgment, and retribution.  If we truly had a world that knew, respected, and lived in peace, how would that feel?  Isn't it about time?  If not now, when?  Namaste.

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Major Life Review
(Sept 2010)

It's been quite a summer for many but we can finally breathe a sigh of relief since the Mercury Retrograde is almost over.  Although our issues and problems haven't all magically gone away, at least the 'cosmic' energies won't be muddling things up even more so regarding our communications, computers, and travels.  In fact, the
energies the last few months have been providing us with the opportunity for 'a major life review'.  I noticed this beginning to occur around the time of the Summer Solstice in June.  From then on, it seemed that situations, events, and people coming back from our past began to spark or trigger us to go back and rethink our lives, decisions, and the resulting outcomes that occurred.  And although this cosmic 'nudge' was meant to be productive, it was oftentimes painful unless you could be as detached as possible and look at everything objectively - almost as if viewing the movie of someone else's life.

Another challenge that arose from this apparent 'life review time' seemed to be the questioning of 'why' things turned out the way they did or wondering what made you decide or choose what you did.  Many times this was followed by 'doing a number on ourselves' involving guilt or frustration over these past decisions and what we hadn't done 'right' in our lives. 

At such times, I found it very helpful to hear input from close friends who kindly reminded me that in the great cosmic scheme of things, (1) we wouldn't be who we are at this very moment if we hadn't made the choices and decisions that we did in the past . . . (2) all of us made the best decisions we could with the information we had at that particular moment or moments in time . . ., and (3) we probably wouldn't have all the wonderful people, relationships, and other things that truly matter to us in our lives presently if we hadn't taken those particular forks in the road or made the specific choices we did.  Also, a quote I came across read, "Regrets are a waste of time."  It would do well for all of us who tend to sentimentalize over our past actions, decisions, and choices to internalize that.  It's a very simple statement but so very true. 

So, in other words stop beating yourself up for what you 'perceive' as mistakes or errors in judgment that are long over with and truly do belong in the past. They're over and done with so stop dragging them into the present and ruining that and/or your future.  After all, isn't it always easier to play 'Monday Morning Quarterbacking' than when you're actually playing in the heat of the game itself? For that matter, if you had made different choices, how do you know things couldn't have turned out much worse? 

The 'opportunity', therefore, that this review presented was to see and decide what isn't working now, in the present, and then initiate the steps or take the actions to change it.  In doing so, however, remember to be kind to yourself and one another - we're all just doing the best we can with what we have in this moment of time, the true moment of power.  Namaste.

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  (Aug 2010) 
This month is all about relationships.  Last month I wrote about the cosmic Cardinal Cross formation and the effects of those energies - how we were, and are, being hit with energies that are taking us to task in order to review our lives and the 'patterning' that we both came in with and acquired during our lifetimes.  So, what is working and what isn't in your life?  Since no one is a 'victim', ask yourself what can you do to release and free yourself so that your relationships can be healthy and based on truth.

This is always a challenging one - to release ourselves from 'wanting understanding' or from 'needing approval' to simply 'be' our own person - the best that we can - without judgments or recriminations - as if we were merely a silent observer. The potential for new directions and relationships in our lives right now, based on honest and 'heartfelt' integrity, is enormous - this is what we're being pushed to examine and ultimately, embrace.  Therefore, during this time of great change AND amazing 'potentials', don't allow 'fear' to keep you from going to new and higher levels - let the past go once and for all. Regrets are a waste of time - it's time to build anew. 

Also, since we have another "Mercury Retrograde" this month beginning on August 20, try and get all your travel plans arranged prior to that date - actually, the 'slowdown' will begin as early as August 12 so do what you can early on, if at all possible.  It would also be wise to 'backup' all your data and check and double-check ALL communications, especially with the 'Cardinal Cross' energies still churning, as well.

The last couple of months I've been speaking about how wonderful Loretta LaRoche, the comedienne and Stress Management Coach, is since her humor is ridiculously funny, totally uplifting, and designed to make you smile no matter what kind of day you are having.  In other words, she tells it like it is, allowing us to see ourselves and others clearly in her humor, providing us with the means to laugh at ourselves, which surely must be one of the first rules of survival. So, here is another of her quotes that may bring a smile:  

"Accept the things you cannot change, change
the things you can, and laugh at the rest."

In other words, make time for laughing, playing and simply enjoying life - no one else is going to do it for you but youYou can find her on PBS, Youtube, and @ www.LorettaLaroche.com

And, regardless of what is being 'reported' by the media, please continue envisioning our beloved earth, her waters, and her life forms healed, and use whatever tools or methods at your disposal, according to your guidance.  And remember, helping to heal ourselves is also helping the earth to heal since we are intricately connected.  It is up to us.  Namaste.
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Energies & The Cosmic Cross
(July 2010)
If you are feeling tired, low on energy, and overwhelmed, you are not alone.  It goes without saying that there are a lot of energies churning right now with fear and anxiety over finances, the ongoing wars, the gulf oil spill disaster, the destruction of our eco-systems, the loss of generational livelihoods, and so forth. Therefore, it is more important than ever, to try and remain balanced daily so you won't become blown away or decimated by the intensity of the emotional climate around you. 

In addition, a lot of cosmic activity is also stirring everything up with many of the planets playing musical chairs, or rather 'houses'.  There is also the formation of a major T-square or cosmic cross occurring in the heavens that has been talked for the past 2 years.  And, we are right in the middle of a pair of eclipses that also bring their own array of energies to shake us up and out of old stagnant patterns, attitudes, beliefs, and emotions.  They do this so that we can move forward freer and less encumbered, although more often than not, it may feel like we're on a wild roller coaster ride in the process.  

So, I'd like to recommend that you begin listening (or continue) to the FREE ongoing WELLNESS teleconferences that started mid-June and that are continuing until mid-July.  Each day for an hour or more, 7 PM EST, M-F, these teleconferences present the top experts in the field of complementary and alternative healing sharing their wisdom, insights, and their respective healing modalities.  No matter how long you have been studying or in the profession, there's always something new to learn and something you can apply immediately in your life, sometimes even right from the call, to help yourself become calmer, more peaceful, or just more relaxed. 

To give you one such example, a wonderful little tip was a simple reminder for everyone to just go barefoot for a few minutes everyday. Go walk outside on the grass or lay down on the earth - much like we often did when we were children just because we 'knew' it felt good.  Actually, the earth acts as an incredible grounding wire for us and helps us to rebalance all the electromagnetic waves we are absorbing through all our electrical devices - televisions, radios, microwaves, cell phones, etc. 

Our own electrical systems (yes, we are electrical, too, and our nervous systems control our bodies via a combination of electrical and chemical processes), often get bombarded and this incredibly simple and natural act can help to offset some of the harmful frequencies surrounding us.  It's quick, easy, free, and just plain simple.  Makes sense.  Treat yourself and register for the calls at www.wellnessrevolutionsummit.com.  If you are unable to be on the actual call, you have 48 hours to listen to the replay on your computer.

Last month I spoke about how wonderful Loretta LaRoche, the comedienne and Stress Management Coach, is.  As said before, her humor is ridiculously funny, totally uplifting, and designed to make you smile no matter what kind of day you are having.  In other words, she tells it like it is, allowing us to see ourselves and others clearly in her humor, providing us with the means to laugh at ourselves, which surely must be one of the first rules of survival. So, here is another of her quotes that may bring a smile:  

"When you wake up in the morning, shout out to the world, I'm back!' 
It acknowledges the gift you've received to be on this planet another day." 
You can find her on PBS, Youtube, and @

The Oil Spill and Our Gulf
And regarding our beloved earth, her waters and the life forms that are weeping from the toxicity of the oil and dispersants, as said last month, please continue doing whatever you can and are guided to do - whether it be praying, sending energy, using the Violet Flame of Transmutation, the Light of the Golden Sun, or the powerful Ho'oponopono which simply put is: "I love you, I am sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you".  When you are able to shift the intensity of your despair, heartache, and anger, envision the water, life forms, and planet healed and whole again.  We must be able to see and envision the possibility before it can become a reality.  Helping to heal ourselves is also helping the earth to heal since we are intricately connected.  It is up to us.  Namaste.

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The Oil Spill - A Wakeup Call
(June 2010)

I was introduced lately to one of the funniest and most entertaining people I have ever met.  Her humor is ridiculously funny, totally uplifting, and designed to make you smile no matter what kind of day you are having.  In other words, she tells it like it is, allowing us to see ourselves and others clearly in her humor; and provides us with the means to laugh at ourselves while remembering not to take life so seriously. 

Why am I writing about this in this article? Because in the midst of one of the greatest tragedies in our lifetime, concerning life on our planet and how we have destroyed a vast number of species, our eco-system, and countless people's way of life, we must continue to believe and have hope that somehow, in some way, we are going to be able to contain, manage, or survive this.  In adidtion to which, I was always taught that the first rule of survival was 'Keep your sense of humor', no matter how dire the circumstances.

The lady's name is Loretta LaRoche, a Stress Management Consultant and Comedienne Extraordaire, who you can find on PBS, Youtube, and @ www.LorettaLaroche.com.  I had the opportunity to meet and hear her in person and she was truly on a role.  The 2 hours of nonstop laughter were the best present I could have received.  It was equal to taking a vacation, if only for a few minutes, from some of the distressing and intense realities of life.  She maintains that we should simply enjoy 'today'.  For example:

"Don't wait for special occasions to celebrate, every day is a  special occasion - you're still alive!"  Simple and to the point.  Or, "Life is not a stress rehearsal, so why practice making daily life a drama when you could create a musical or a comedy?" And, "If you're waiting for someone important to give you 'permission' to have fun . . . forget it.  They're not coming.  They're out having a good time!"  At times, she even cracks herself up and when she begins to laugh, it truly is contagious  - the best medicine around without a doubt.

So be good to yourself and go out and purchase (or rent, or check out from the library) one of her books, CD's, DVD's or videos.  They are guaranteed to make you smile or your money back.

Regarding our beloved earth and her waters and lifeforms that are weeping from the toxicity of the oil and dispersants, please continue doing whatever you can and are guided to do - whether it be praying, sending energy, using the Violet Flame of Transmutation, the Light of the Golden Sun, or the powerful Ho'oponopono which simply put is: "I love you, I am sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you". 

My brother is currently in the midst of the gulf cleanup, removing the lifeforms that have already died.  I can't even speak of some of what he's mentioned yet because it's simply too painful.  Since he doesn't have phone coverage out in the gulf, his text today simply said, 'It is heartbreaking.'  I could feel the depth of his grief, shock, pain, and despair all the way through the phone.  I think what those 'up close and personal' are experiencing literally stuns their spirits and we all will be in need of deep healing after this.  We have received our wake-up call - a brutal and numbing one - it is now up to us. 

I would also like to say 'Thank You' to all of our fathers (and to all those who play that role) as we remember and honor you this month.  Many of you work day and night to provide for your families and make sure they have the necessities of life: food, shelter, clothing, etc.  So Fathers, as we pay tribute to you on Father's Day, please be sure to do something special for yourselves and remember that the the greatest gift you can give your families and those you care about is your Love. 

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Emotional Rollercoastering
(May 2010)

If you are reading this after May 11th, pat yourself on the back for having 'survived' this latest Mercury Retrograde.  To say we have been on an emotional rollercoaster the last few weeks is putting it mildly.  The cosmos has, indeed, been creating havoc with our energy systems and if you feel like you've been 'frazzled' lately, you probably have - and may still be - so give yourself plenty of TLC. 

We should be experiencing rather a 'still' period for a couple of days after the 11th and then with the advent of the New Moon on the 13th {also Ascension Day and Day of the Lady of Fatima (Mother Mary)}, energies should start moving again. They may, however, only be 'puttering' for awhile so don't expect things to really start moving forward for at least a few more days.  Instead, use this time to center and go within and especially, to regroup and balance.

Please continue sending prayers for all life forms in the gulf affected by this horrific oil spill, as well as, for other parts of the world needing energies of peace and balance. 

Special thanks and gratitude for Mothers everywhere, regardless of gender, who have played those roles to and for us . . . and to ourselves, for playing the roles of Nurturer and Caregiver for others.  Where in the world would we all be without the incredible and amazing Feminine energies that bring forth and help to sustain all life?  Remember, these energies carry the 'hope' and 'vision' of the future wherein peace becomes a reality for our world, not just a forgotten possibility.
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Energy Fluctuations
(April 2010)
During the last several weeks, I've heard from many 'sensitives' and healers that they've been extremely tired and/or their energies have been at a very low ebb.  I believe that much of this is due to experiencing the effects of not only the earth changes and tragedies that have been occurring, but because of feeling the loss of so many souls departing the planet en masse, as well. 
Just recently, the aftermath and tremors from the earthquake that occurred on the border of California/Mexico could be felt far and wide. It becomes easy for us to forget that in addition to the physical effects experienced by so many from these tragedies, our 'psyches' also take a 'hit' and become filled with the energies of great sorrow, loss, and desperation when they occur.  Therefore, without daily releasing and balancing, we become on 'overload' rather like a powder keg waiting to erupt or a vessel that is beginning to break apart with its liquid (life force) draining out.
In addition, many have said they've had days where they feel sadness for no apparent reason and they just want to retreat from the world.  I would suggest that there is great value in listening to your inner guidance for going within to find the 'stillness' remains one of our best tools for navigating this journey we call life.  It was Paracelsus who said, Man is ill because he is never still.  There is amazing wisdom in this simple but profound statement.
So I would ask you, how often in today's busy and frenetic world have you quieted your mind and given your body and spirit a chance to rest from the chaos and stress of the world around you?  Gift yourself with doing so for you truly are the only one that can.  Spring is about new growth and beginnings, not just for all of nature, but for man as well. Treat yourself to a period of rest and allow a 'new', revitalized, rejuvenated you to arise and go forth. 
Please continue to send loving energies, as always, for strength and support to this planet we call home and whenever possible, practice kindness both to her and all her inhabitants.  Remember, when you honor her on Earth Day on April 22, you are also honoring all of the lives connected to her including your own.  Be at Peace with the stillness found within. 
Whatever holiday or special day you observe this month, be it Easter, Passover, or Earth Day, may it be a warm and blessed one.
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Faith Versus Fear
(March 2010)

In the last couple of months, we have seen so much death and destruction between the catastrophes hitting Haiti and Chile, and with 'fear' energies on the rise due to the aftershocks and potential tsunamis, it's absolutely critical for everyone to go within and balance their energies as much as they possibly can.  Since many of the healers and ‘sensitives’ pick up on these discordant energies even more than most, it is critical that they take the lead in doing this on a daily basis for themselves which, in turn, will serve as a steadying influence to those around them.

It is also vital that we not lose our faith despite the 'looks-as-if" in the world around us when so many systems or structures seem to be in collapse or disarray.  Remember, many of the old, worn-out institutions that were only built on greed and power are crumbling and being 'transformed' so that new and better systems can be put in place.  Trust is the cornerstone that will keep us on track.

Also, please continue sending loving energies for strength and support to the people of Chile, Haiti, and our entire planet as recovery takes places.  And I'm going to repeat here what I said last month:  This beloved Earth of ours has an incredible responsibility to support billions upon billions of lifeforms each and every day.  Can you not spare a few minutes to send her love or light or pray for peace for her - in keeping, of course, with whatever her greater Soul agreement is. 

Simply ask yourself, how can I be of service to humanity, the planet, and myself?  Then be open and trust that the answer will be forthcoming.  Be well and whenever possible, practice kindness. 
Remember to trust in the design of a greater source or in your beloved self, whatever you conceive the energy to be of "All That Is". Believe in yourself and have faith that all is unfolding as it should.  Namaste.
May peace surround you and the Angels give you comfort and strength as they wrap you in their loving embrace during difficult and trying times. 

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Loving Ourselves & Our Planet
(Feb 2010)
In a month when we celebrate the notion of romantic Love, let us realize that loving ourselves is the greatest gift we can ever give ourselves.  I am not referring here to the kind of selfish love that tends to be totally self-absorbed, often projected by an unbalanced ego, but rather the beautiful love of the divine self that you truly are - who knows how to honor and respect self while teaching others to do the same by example. 

This kind of love also operates with an open and forgiving heart, able to see ourselves and others through eyes of compassionate understanding - a trait that embodies the essence of the loving Goddess, Kuan Yin.  If you are not familiar with this beloved deity or her teachings, treat yourself this month by reading about her - or practice meditating and invite her loving energies to join you.  Once experienced, they will never be forgotten. 

Also, please continue sending loving energy to the people of Haiti and our entire planet as well.  This beloved Earth of ours has an incredible responsibility to support billions upon billions of lifeforms each and every day.  Can you not spare a few minutes to send her love or light or pray for peace for her - in keeping, of course, with whatever her greater Soul agreement is.  Simply ask yourself, how can I be of service to myself, humanity and the planet?  Then be open and trust that the answer will be forthcoming.  Be well and whenever possible, practice kindness.
Happy Valentine's Day.

World Sound Healing Day is February 14, 2010
World Peace Toning and Chanting - a Sonic Valentine for Peace on Earth

Join thousands of voices throughout the planet for the 8th Annual World Sound Healing Day February 14, 2010 at 12 noon ET. Sound forth for 5 minutes with the "AH" created and projected with the energy of harmony, compassion and love.
At that time please go to www.templeofsacredsound.org to enhance the vibratory effect for planetary peace. Visit www.healingsounds.com for more information.

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